"I just want to be happy."
I hear this all the time. It's a broad statement but it perfectly articulates how my clients just
want to attain the simple and much-deserved feeling of happiness. I encourage them to stop
looking outward and start looking inward, here’s why: Most of us spend our time seeking
happiness without acknowledging the underlying purpose of our search.
Some spend their entire lives searching for it–never satisfied with what they find because
they don’t really know what it is they are looking for.
What does happiness mean to you? What will it feel like? Tell me what your life would look
like when you find it. How will you know when you achieve it?
If you’re having difficulty answering these questions, I hate to say it but finding happiness will
be even more difficult for you.
We are quick to recognize when life is shit, but would you recognize happiness or even
acknowledge it when life is going well? How many take a minute to express gratitude and
appreciate our current situation when life is rolling right along without conflict? Is it possible
you are happy and don’t even recognize it?
Many of us are looking for a path back to the present: We are trying to find good enough
reasons to be satisfied now. How we pay attention to the present moment largely determines
the character of our experience and, therefore, the quality of our lives.
It is possible to give up the search for happiness and commit oneself to finding contentment
in what is happening right now.
When was the last time you asked yourself if you were happy?
Try it now. Are you happy?
What will you need to do to achieve it?
Steve Braun
Call or Text: 778.932.1978
Email: steve@stevebraun.org
Connect on Social: Facebook LinkedIn SteveBraun.Org
About the Author: Steve currently resides in the sunny Okanagan in British Columbia Canada where he spends his free time camping at remote lakes chasing monster rainbow trout with a flyrod.
